Thursday, February 18, 2016

What does it mean to have an ECO-FRIENDLY and ENERGY EFFICIENT Home?

What does it mean to have an ECO-FRIENDLY and ENERGY EFFICIENT Home?

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I was doing my research earlier of available homes in the market, then, I came across an Eco- Friendly sign on top of this home. The word eco- friendly made me stop and check what makes it eco-friendly, and it made me smile.

I know people are getting more concerned with the environment, going organic, trying to lessen the trash they are producing, etc. However, having an eco-friendly home is much more different and there are some certain guidelines, plus everyone needs to cooperate to create an eco-friendly home.

You must be thinking wood, recycled products, a lot of trees, solar panel, etc. It's not and there's more to it aside from the materials. With that being said, what exactly does it mean to have an ECO-FRIENDLY and ENERGY EFFICIENT Home?

What is Energy Efficiency?

According to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory websiteEnergy efficiency is "using less energy to provide the same service". They further explained the difference between conserving energy and energy efficiency, citing an example as well.

According to their website efficiency is not energy conservation. Energy conservation is reducing or going without a service to save energy.

For example: Turning off a light is energy conservation. Replacing an incandescent lamp with a compact fluorescent lamp (which uses much less energy to produce the same amount of light) is energy efficiency.
Both efficiency and conservation can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Read more at

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How does a home become Eco- friendly and Energy Efficient?

According to National Green Building Standard™ (NGBS), there are 6 key areas in the design and construction to achieve high performance. The Site Design, Resource Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Building Operation & Maintenance. 

  • Providing fresh air ventilation that improves indoor air quality.
  • Reducing utility costs through cost-effective energy and water efficiency practices
  • Controlling maintenance costs through durable construction and product selection
  • Reducing home maintenance through enhanced durability 

  • This is to reduce the impact on the environment, conserve water, and reduce energy consumption. Thus, addressing the issues that we currently have on the increasing utility bills and environmental issues. Visit National Green Building Standard™ (NGBS) website to learn more about green homes and how to get certification.

    Tips on building an Eco-friendly Home.

    Building an eco-friendly home seems hard, and probably expensive than building a regular home, however, the rewards and savings is for a long time. Here are some tips:

    Open House Layout 
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    An open house layout reduces building cost, gives you more space to work on, and reduces energy consumption by improving the lighting and ventilation in the house. 

    Energy efficient windows.
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    An energy efficient window can prevent heat from escaping during colder months and protect from sun heat and UV rays during summer.


    CLICK HERE to see the full list of homes.


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